Our annual summer tournament of the year we are hosting along side REJECKS. This is a super smash bros tournament but we will also have other retro consoles available for gameplay. This is a fundraiser event for Charity Gaming to raise funds and donate XBox games for the hospitals that they work with. We will be streaming and taking donations through Twitch.tv/brasscitygamers as well.
Please be sure to also donate www.charity-gaming.org/donate and if you can donate an XBox One game please send it to: Charity Gaming 330 Washington St, PMB 277 Hoboken, NJ 07030
The tournament is at D'Zire Dance Studio LLC, we will also have special guest RP2G with us.
Registration opens at 10:00am Friendly's from 10-12 Registration closes at 11:59am Tournament begins at 12:00pm $5 for entry and $5 play. Entry fees will go to the house Tournament fees will go toward Charity Gaming Winner takes grand: $100 Game Settings: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Custom Moves Off, Items Off, Equipment Off, Handicap Off, Pause Off, Damage Ratio 100%, 2/3 Games Mii Fighters On (1-1-1-1 Default Miis)
Amiibo’s are banned. Starter Stages: Battlefield (Miiverse), Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Town & City Counterpick Stages: Dream Land 64, Duck Hunt All Omega stages are banned.
First stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors) best of 1. Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then winner. (1-2-2-1) Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing. Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character. You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification. Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any player violating this rule will be issued a loss. Sudden Death with a tied percentage/stock count will NOT determine the outcome of a tied game. A playoff match with 1 stock/2 minutes will determine the winner. There will be no loading anything on to the tournament consoles.